A Different Drummer

I admit it. I’m a dreamer who prefers to dance to my own beat. I can never seem to color inside the lines. I choose my own way, personalizing any project I pursue. This holds true even when I’m taking a class…

I have attended two different paint-nights this year. One project was a mountain sunset with wild tropical colors. My in-laws did a great job of following the guidance of the instructor. Me? I used the same theme but used photographs from a backpacking trip for inspiration. (See details of this painting HERE)family projects_mountain sunset

The other project was a whimsical pair of folk-art snowmen. They were so cute! But…I knew I would never actually hang that scene on my wall. I ended up painting a bright moon-lit winter night instead. whimsical snowmen

friends_paint night_winter scenes

Sometimes people question why I’m not following instructions. I know, however, that I will be much happier with the results if I follow my own creative ideas. Luckily my close friends and family are no longer surprised by this. By now, they expect me to follow a different drummer!

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